Regarding Sin
Section One
2/15/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"All sin is not equal; only My forgiveness is equal."
12/16/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore hear the Word of The Lord and give heed, for thus declares The Lord: One Commandment broken are all Commandments broken. One sin committed in The Messiah’s name are all sins accounted to you. One sin repented in His name, all are forgiven you. For I know your thoughts, My children, even your innermost intentions, and I know whether or not you are fully converted in your hearts.[1] And though you may lie to yourselves, and bear false witness in the sight of many witnesses, nothing is hidden from the eyes of God - Every lie exposed, every heart laid bare, in the Day I rise up and judge the earth."
2/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Those who say no to sin, and stay separate from that which is an abomination in the eyes of God,[2] have broken no Commandment."
Again I say to you, who you
Choose defines what you do...
And whosoever chooses another
And not Me in truth has chosen themselves,
And has done according to their own will[3]...
Yet to disobey God is sin...
Therefore call on My name and make
Your repentance full, by departing
From those things which are not lawful,
Standing apart from those things I hate,
And you shall surely be delivered...
Says The Lord."
8/25/05 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord: It is the penitent man who shall know God, and penitent you must be; die to yourselves daily. Cast off the skin of this world and walk with Me as I am, and not as you would have Me be.
Beloved ones, do you long to obey? Then obey. Do you wish to stay clean? Then stay clean. Doubt is your enemy, doubt is a stone of stumbling at your feet. For I tell you the truth, one whose faith has come to completion, having received the full revelation of who I am, will not sin. For only the face of The Holy One is before their eyes.
Beloved ones, only One is without sin, The Son of Man. Yet the desire to sin is still within you, and now also The Truth, and so the battle rages. Therefore, beware. For doubt leads to disobedience, and to disobey God is sin, and the penalty of sin is death. Yet I have overcome death, having written your name in the Book of Life from the very foundation of the world. What is left then? Only the death of sin itself, and the passing away of death.
Beloved, cast off your sins, depart quickly from temptation, and to the accuser turn a deaf ear. For I tell you the truth, evil has lost its grip on the redeemed... Therefore hear My words, and also do them; give heed to My speech, and embrace all I have given you; drink deeply from this cup, and be created anew, says The Lord your Redeemer.
6/26/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
This question was asked: Was YahuShua ever ill? It is written: “I was sick and you visited Me.” It is hard to imagine that He could be scourged and crucified, but never suffered a migraine.
Thus says The Lord to His servant: My son, I came to minister, not to be ministered to. I came to heal the sick, even all who came asking; I bore their infirmities. By no means did I, Myself, become sick, for The Father allowed nothing to keep Me from My purpose.
I came down to you in the flesh, to live as a man, to be fully tempted as man, yet I did not suffer illness of the body, nor did I sin. For The Father made the body and mind to be one; not to suffer illness, but to abide in health. So as I came from The Father, and The Father is in Me and I am in The Father, so in like manner was My body, incorruptible; the kind of which even Adam was given, and would have kept to this day if he had not transgressed. For he who is without sin has everlasting life; death has no power over him.
My son, I carried the infirmities of all those who came to Me in faith. In the same way, I carried their sin though I had no part in sin Myself. I am completely clean, and because of this, all who come to Me in sincerity and in truth are clean also.
My son, I carried the weight of the world’s sin
To the cross, and crucified sin through My suffering;
The penalty of sin abolished as I fell asleep,
The Victory established for all time upon My rising...
For I am and will always be The Perfect Lamb,
Without spot or blemish, given up for many...
The Restoration of All Things...
Says The Lord.
11/17/04 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore, again I ask you, what matter these things of the world and men, which shall soon pass away? Yet you say, “All these things are a metaphor and a testament to You, Lord.” Yet I tell you, anything which comes from sin is sin; do not do it! Tear down all these whitewashed walls of abomination, and do only as The Word of God instructs! For the season of giving is each and every day, and the season of love is every day, every hour, every minute, every moment of your life lived in Me. So then, share My gifts and withhold not; lift up the poor in spirit and feed the hungry, help the needy and comfort the sick, doing so in My name. Yet do not do as the pagans do, for this is sin. Be completely separate and shun these perverse holidays of men; stop breaking My Commandments!"
Regarding the Celebration of Christmas
3/26/05 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Sin is sin. All sin is sin. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.[4] Shall then sin judge sin? No. Only The One who is without sin shall be your judge; and behold, He is also The Son of Man.[5]"
"Therefore come to Me,
Come to Me in spirit and in truth,
And strive to love others as I have loved you...
For where there is an absence of love,
You will find only pain and suffering,
Hate, and ever-increasing sin;
And when it is finished, death[6]...
Says The Lord."
Judge Not Others, For That By Which You
Judge Is How You Shall Be Judged
6/7/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Begin again in Me, says The Lord, for I have not left you. Behold, I am with you, even to the end of this age.
My son, you are forgiven. And in true forgiveness, there is no remembrance of past offenses; behold, even your sins of tomorrow are washed away. Therefore fix your gaze upon Me, focus not on your sin; give temptation no power, and to the accuser turn a deaf ear.
Beloved, turn aside and come to Me. Regain the line and together we shall walk, choosing the good and refusing the evil, until you also have forgotten your sin. Behold, it is separated from you as far as the east is from the west.
Therefore do not revive your sins, let evil die, and let the man you were pass away. For if The Son sets you free, then you are truly free, as it is written.
Indeed, come all who struggle and are heavy-laden,
And I will give you rest...
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
For I am gentle and lowly in heart,
And in Me you will find rest for your souls...
For My yoke is easy, and My burden light,
For all those who trust in Me...
Says The Lord.
4/14/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord YahuShua: Why withhold, My son? Why do you suppress that which is revealed, that which you know to be true? Submit to the whole truth when I speak; embrace it, hear and so write; withhold nothing. For that which I reveal shall bring those appointed into My fullness, whether it be before or after. Trust in Me, therefore, for it is time to lay yourself down, to let go of these lusts which plague your heart, to put away these doubts which trouble your mind... It is time to decide, My son! Decide, and I shall surely finish it!
[A brother in Christ] I choose you now, Lord!
You have indeed chosen Me, says The Lord, even as I have chosen you. Yet understand this: I will no more share you, I will no more be divided in you. Decide, make the decision, draw the line in the sand! Rebuke temptation in My name; say to temptation and he who is the tempter, “YOU SHALL PROCEED NO FURTHER!”...
And I will no more give myself to diverse lusts,
To the cares and deceits of my flesh and this world.
My heart, it is The Lord’s; My mind, it is The Lord’s;
My will, it is The Lord’s; My flesh, it is The Lord’s;
The whole of my body, even all I am, I give to The Lord.
Yea, I pour out my life before The Lord,
Even as He poured out His; let me receive it!
In the name of My Love, I call out in YahuShua’s name, I ask to receive it!
YahuShua, My Life and My Righteousness, I want Your life!
Do with me as You please
According to the good pleasure of Your will...
I give myself away. Amen.”
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