Woe to Those Who...
- 1 Woe to the Peoples of the Earth
- 2 Woe to Those Who Forsake the Poor and the Needy
- 3 Woe to Those Who Celebrate Pagan-laced Holidays
- 4 Woe to Those Who Harm the Little Ones
- 5 Woe to Those Who Walk in Pretense
- 6 Woe to the Catholic Church
- 7 Woe to the Churches of Men
- 8 Woe to Those Who Bear False Witness in The Lord’s Name
- 9 Woe to Those Who Curse Others in the Name of The Lord
- 10 Woe to the Nay-sayers and Mockers
- 11 Woe to Those Who Come Against God's Messengers
- 12 Woe to Those Who Come Against Israel
- 13 Woe to the United States
- 14 Related Topics
- 15 Navigation
Woe to the Peoples of the Earth
2/24/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Woe to all who forget God and parade their whoredoms openly in the streets! You shall by no means escape the Day of Wrath when it comes! For I shall deal with you swiftly, even recompense in full, according to the example![1]
Woe to every high mountain! Woe to every uplifted hill! Woe to all high places, to everything high and lofty! WOE TO ALL WHO SEEK TO EXALT THEMSELVES ABOVE THE MOST HIGH!
Woe to the giants of this world and to the mighty oppressor! Woe to all who step on the fingers of the poor and steal from the needy! Woe to all who conspire together in secret, to do My people harm!
And woe, even three times woe, to all who harm the little ones and those not yet born from the womb! WOE TO ALL WHO MURDER THE INNOCENT, AND TO ALL WHO STAND IN AGREEMENT! A double portion of wrath is reserved for you!"
Due Reward
"The high man stands proud, and the man of low degree is tread down! The eyes of The Lord have seen it, the ears of The Lord have heard it!... Therefore shall the error of the proud be exposed, and the look of the lofty be brought low! For the span of My holy mountain is great, filling the breadth of the whole earth; the weight of the stone, infinite! And woe to those who are crushed beneath it! Says The Lord of Hosts."
4/7/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus the time of My watchmen has come, the Day of Punishment is made clear. Behold, it waits at the doors and is about to come in, terrible judgment poured out without mixture! - Destruction of the cities! The distress of all nations! WOE TO THE SONS OF MEN! WOE TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH, FOR NOW SHALL BE YOUR PERPLEXITY! SAYS THE LORD."
3/19/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord God of Israel: Woe to the kingdoms of this world! Woe to the false religions of this world! The atheist shall have it far better than you, when the wrath of the great and dreadful God has come! Woe to the king of the north! Woe to the kings from the rising of the sun! Woe to the king of Persia and the people of violence! Woe to every nation and people, who say, “Come, let us put an end to Israel as a nation. Let us utterly destroy them, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more!”... BEHOLD, I AM AGAINST YOU! Says The Lord God."
10/7/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For the Churches of Men, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Blessed are those who place their trust
In The Son of God, striving always to walk
In His ways and keep His commandments;
They shall surely be taken out of this place...
Yet woe to all those who disobey The Son,
Woe to all who turn aside from The Way
And forsake The Commandments,
For the wrath of God remains upon them."
I Will Take My People OUT OF
Blessed Are Those Who Overcome
"Blessed are all those who lose their life
In this world, for My sake;
They have their reward...
Yet woe to those who hold fast
To their life in this world,
For all they have is passing away."
Blessed Are Those Who Overcome
- Also see: "Regarding the Day of The Lord"; "Regarding the Birth Pangs"; "Regarding Sodom and Gomorrah Revived"; "Regarding the Days of Noah"; "Regarding Destroying the Garden (Earth)"
Woe to Those Who Forsake the Poor and the Needy
3/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Yet woe to those who ignore the poor and draw back their hand from the needy, while they sit at ease in their abundance. For destitution is coming, and shall be born out of great desolation, in the day I take away their abundance and leave their houses desolate. Woe also to those who say they are My servants, yet refuse to help those in need, for only tears and sorrow await them. And woe to those who fail to give even the smallest amount, claiming they are in lack, for they have no trust, having learned nothing from the poor widow.[2]"
Woe to Those Who Celebrate Pagan-laced Holidays
10/7/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For Timothy and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
This question was asked of The Lord: Lord, what is your will for us regarding Christmas this year?
"Yet woe to those who associate the name of The Son of God with pagan practices and idolatrous traditions! YOU HAVE SURELY TAKEN THE NAME OF THE LORD IN VAIN! Woe to all who celebrate this holiday called Christmas, for you do dishonor Me by all you say and do! For this season of so-called giving is detestable in My sight! ABOMINATION! IDOLATRY!
Woe to all who ignore My warnings and break My Commandments! YOU ARE ALL SLAVES! You have made mammon your master, materialism has bound you in chains, for you want no part with Me as I truly am! Behold, from you My spirit is far removed, for you have surely made yourselves enemies of God![3]"
"I know many in this world celebrate this holiday in ignorance of its origins, yet it is an abomination to Me, pagan practices and idolatrous traditions which I loathe in My zeal! Therefore, woe to those who willfully walk in ignorance! And woe, even three times woe, to those who knowingly place their stamp of approval on these things, doing so in The Messiah’s name; yours shall be a most bitter place, your discipline severe! Woe to all who knowingly lead others into rebellion against The Lord, for the mouth of Sheol is open and ready to receive you!"
11/17/04 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Again I tell you, ALL religions, religious rituals
And celebrations, rooted deeply in paganism,
Are an abomination in the eyes of The Most High God!
Well did My servant Sha’ul (also known as Paul) prophesy of you, saying: In the latter days some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared as with a hot iron.[4] And well did he prophesy of this generation, saying: Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.[5]
Therefore, woe to all who celebrate this detestable holiday of men! Woe, I say to you! And three times woe, to all who do so in MY name! Hypocrites! Workers of idolatry! You are a perverse people who do always take the name of The Lord in vain!"
- Also see: "Regarding the Holidays of Men"
Woe to Those Who Harm the Little Ones
1/3/05 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"I ask you, what is a child’s inheritance on earth and in Heaven, if the years of their life be few in number and they remain in their innocence? Assuredly, I say to you, they will inherit The Kingdom of Heaven, for The Father holds the pure of heart in the palm of His right hand. For like the firefly which alights upon the tall grass, so are these little ones, precious lights shining among men.
Therefore, woe to those who catch them and shut them away! Woe to any who do them harm! AND WOE, EVEN THREE TIMES WOE, TO ALL WHO EXTINGUISH THEIR LIGHT! For behold, I am coming quickly with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, to remove the light, to take from the earth My own,[6] and this world shall be plunged into darkness!"
To He Who Has Understanding,
Let Him Hear the Truth of the Inheritance of Sin and Salvation
11/19/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore because your eyes are slow in seeing and your ears dull of hearing, your mind congested with the many deceits of this world, this is what The Lord your God says: WOE TO THOSE WHO LEAD MY LAMBS ASTRAY! WOE, I SAY TO THEM! Woe to all who feed lies to the little ones and cause them to sin! For as it is written: It would be better for them if a millstone were hung around their neck, and they were drowned in the depths of the sea, than to suffer My wrath over these little ones!
Therefore woe to those who uphold perverse and bitter doctrine; your discipline shall be most severe! Woe to those who pollute My name, in word and by deed; for you have brought shame upon your own heads, and disgrace to all your houses which you call by My name! Woe to all who take advantage of the ignorant and pollute the minds of the innocent! WOE TO ALL WHO HARM MY LITTLE ONES! For I shall stretch out My hand against you; indeed, a double portion of wrath is reserved for you!
Behold, I shall stretch out My hand and bring harm upon the wicked, and strike those who slaughter the innocent, until I have destroyed them in all the earth! For My wrath remains upon all who have taken part, upon all who voice their agreement! And yes double, even double again, upon all who murder My precious gifts! Declares The Lord."
4/7/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"The works of men are evil, even from their youth. Thus the little children shall be My inheritance, and the babes My jewels. For the innocent come forth as lights shining out of darkness, gifts born from the womb. They are precious; to be cherished is every child in their youth. For the innocent are of more value than gold and silver, prized above precious stones.
Therefore, woe to this world and all who dwell in it! WOE TO ALL WHO AFFLICT MY LITTLE ONES! SAYS THE LORD. For I shall strike the earth in My wrath and punish the wicked! I shall strike the earth, and bring swift discipline upon all who lead My people from The Truth! In My great anger, I shall strike them down and bring everlasting punishment upon the evil of heart, for death is reserved for the wicked! - A valley of dead and dry bones, darkness and blackness, a void of lifeless nothingness!
Behold, I shall pour out in My anger and destroy in My fury! With eternal fire, I shall take vengeance upon all My enemies, until they are utterly consumed!"
2/24/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"And woe, even three times woe, to all who harm the little ones and those not yet born from the womb! WOE TO ALL WHO MURDER THE INNOCENT, AND TO ALL WHO STAND IN AGREEMENT! A double portion of wrath is reserved for you!"
- Also see: "Thus Says The Lord Regarding Abortion"; "Regarding Children’s Inheritance on Earth and in Heaven"
Woe to Those Who Walk in Pretense
6/15/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding a large statue of Jesus which was struck by lightning and burned down)
Thus says The Lord concerning that which is obvious, a warning made plain, which shall go greatly unheeded by those with veiled heads: This is but the first of many things, of which men in the churches have built up in their pride, which shall be struck! For they build themselves up for a show, a false goodness, foolish servants who forsake the poor and the needy in favor of the praises of men!
FALSE GLORY! Says The Lord in His jealousy. For their works are perverse in My sight, and their words contemptible! Therefore, because they have robbed Me, I will also rob them; I will tear them in pieces, breaking off all their dead members! Behold, I shall cause their man-made foundations to collapse beneath their feet, and all shall be brought down to the ground! Not one wall shall be left standing! Thus shall they become as those whom they have forsaken. And they shall no more preach from their finely-crafted pulpits, standing tall amongst all their expensive ornaments, broadcasting lies with all their purchased devices. FOR I AM THE LORD, and I will not share My glory; neither will I allow My name to be polluted anymore!
Behold these great churches of men...
Look upon all their riches, see how they have enlarged themselves;
Look how they have accomplished such great gain in the world...
Yet I tell you the truth, upon them calamity shall come suddenly,
And their destitution shall be severe, and in their poverty
They shall consider and cry many tears...
For in that day they shall become
The offscouring among many nations...
Says The Lord.
Churches of Men, You Have Robbed Me!
Says The Lord
11/18/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For Timothy and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Question asked by Timothy, for his wife: Lord, is it OK to wear jewelry with symbols of faith, such as crosses?
"Yet woe to those who wear such symbols for the sake of vanity, or as a trophy or sign of their own goodness or beliefs. For by their actions they do always blaspheme, taking the name of The Lord in vain, though they have not opened their mouths to speak.
And woe to those who dwell in the limelight, whose showmanship is likened unto a star. Woe to those who adorn themselves with all manner of sparkling ornaments, fine jewelry and expensive apparel, while also bearing symbols of the cross, for theirs is the greater sin.
Thus under the guise of pretense and false glory is their true raiment hidden. For they do not know Me, neither do I live in them."
- Also see: "Regarding the Wearing of Jewelry"
7/16/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hear the Word of The Lord, all you insolent children, and give ear, all you desolate houses, for thus says The Lord to those who dwell within the churches of men: Shall you come and stand before Me in your temples made by human hands, and say you are delivered, then go in that selfsame hour and pollute My name by all you say and do?! Desecration! Blasphemy![7]
How dare you kneel before Me in repentance, as a show before your brethren, adorning yourselves with pretense! You are not delivered! Your offerings are not accepted, neither will I hear your pleas. For you have surely taken the name of The Lord in vain! For not one of you strives to make your repentance full,[8] nor are you willing to forgive all who have sinned against you.[9] Thus your repentance has become unrepentance, and your words wind.
The Dust Has Been Shaken Off the Feet of God’s Messengers
As a Testament Against You, O Churches of Men
7/16/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore, thus says The Lord: ALL self-appointed apostles, prophets, and preachers shall be brought to utter ruin! And lo, destruction comes swiftly, a weight which you have brought upon your own heads! For I am coming quickly in judgment, I am coming down with great recompense, and I shall surely repay! Behold, I shall strike you down, and you shall collapse where you stand; even as that which you have built up in your greed, for the sake of your own glory, falls with a great crash![10]
Shall one become a prophet by human means?! Is the voice of The Almighty something that can be claimed?! Can the gifts of My spirit be attained by human power, and am I now made subject to the wiles of men?! You have all prophesied lies before Me, you speak that which is born from the deceit of your own hearts! - A very foolish endeavor, a vain thing, a fatal error! For you have taken the things of God in hand, and twisted them, for your own gain![11]
Shall you attempt to steal from My glory, and then parade
Yourself before the people as though you were sent by God?!...
Shut your mouths and be quiet, open not your mouths
And speak no more in My name, lest I tear you
In pieces and there be none to deliver![12]
For I tell you the truth, My judgment is not idle
And your destruction does not sleep!...
Therefore fall hard upon your faces, AND REPENT,
And I may yet have mercy upon you! Says The Lord God.
For I have beheld your form, yes, I have looked upon your visage, and I have seen your fine clothes and all your luxuriously-crafted apparel, all these expensive ornaments with which you adorn yourselves. I know all your delusions of grandeur, and how you lead My people astray by false divinations, brought forth from your own corrupted hearts. Therefore your portraits shall be broken, your church buildings shall be thrown down, and your every pulpit swept away, in the day I strip you naked and leave you desolate! Says The Lord.
Thus Says The Lord to the Churches of Men,
And to All Their Self-Appointed Apostles, Prophets and Preachers
Woe to the Catholic Church
5/14/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord to the deceptive harlot, to the mother of all fornications: Woe, I say to you! Even three times, woe! For the atheist shall have it far better than you, when the wrath of the great and dreadful God has come! For when they seek forgiveness, they shall surely find it. Yet woe to you who blaspheme The Spirit; from you forgiveness has fled away![13] Behold, destruction waits for you as you continue to tread the wide path![14]"
For I have prepared a great fire, and behold, it is already kindled,
And you, along with all who cleave to you, shall surely be cast into it![17]...
Woe to the Church Called Roman and Catholic
3/29/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"And you, O church called Roman and Catholic, how We mourn for you! For you have been judged, and shall be left utterly desolate in the Day of The Lord’s Anger! You say you speak for Me and have The Messiah’s authority, yet I tell you, you have trampled upon the grave of The Resurrected One, making His sacrifice of no effect! WOE TO ALL WHO BLASPHEME THE SPIRIT!"
1/31/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"And yet your pomp reaches higher than the mountains, and your false piety extends to the ends of the earth! WOE TO YOU! Woe to your sons and daughters! Woe to every disciple who follows you and drinks from the cups of your fornications, taking part in your abominations! WOE TO ALL PEOPLE, WHO HIDE IN THE BOSOM OF THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS!"
Woe to you who testify falsely on My behalf!
Woe to you who teach as doctrine the commandments of men!
Woe to you who pervert the Way of The Lord
Among the people, and profane My holy things!...
For the Way of The Lord is set apart and holy, My Law is holy,
And My Commandments, holy, just and good...
Says The Lord."
To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of
And Sits Upon Seven Hills
11/28/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"WOE TO YOU, O CHURCHES OF MEN! Hypocrites! Arrogant assemblies! As you have divided yourselves, so shall I divide you in judgment! As sheep from the goats, so shall you be divided! I shall sift you and stir you up, and you shall be severely shaken, until your walls crumble and all you have built comes crashing down! Behold, no partition shall be left standing; all this enmity shall be stripped away! No more shall you come before Me arrayed in purple and scarlet robes, touting your expensive garments and shining ornaments, jingling as you go; your visage is detestable to Me!"
Thus Says The Lord to the United States,
And to All the Churches of Men Which Dwell Within Its Borders
- Also see: "Regarding the Catholic Church"
Woe to the Churches of Men
9/23/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Woe to those who cry, “Immanu El!”, then break My Commandments by permission in HIS name; you know nothing of grace, and from you My spirit is far removed!
Woe to those who say, “We are delivered!”, then persecute those sent to them; that by which you have judged shall return atop your own heads!
Woe to those who love their houses of worship and lift up empty praise in My name, then turn their backs on the Word of My mouth and refuse My correction; you have secured your place in the valley!
Woe to those who stop their ears to the
Voice of God, and follow after men!...
Yours shall be a bitter place,
Filled with remorse and many tears;
Hardship and troubles shall be your daily bread!...
Woe to every man who teaches eternal torment
And preaches everlasting burning...
Woe to all those who embrace wicked
And bitter doctrine, and hold it
Over the heads of the ignorant!...
7/26/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, with false righteousness you judge others and push out the hand! And with great arrogance you cast My words asunder, as though you were above reproach! Yet I tell you, you have mistaken pride for wisdom, and much learning for understanding. WOE TO YOU! Says The Lord. Woe to the learned! Woe to every high-minded scoffer who is wise in his own eyes! Woe to every arrogant pastor and prideful preacher! YOUR ABASEMENT IS COMING AND SHALL BE VERY SEVERE!
Behold, with a shout and with a mighty
Trumpet blast, it comes very quickly!...
And though your ears do not hear
And your eyes do not see, that which
I have declared shall surely come,
And woe to those who are left!..."
8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"For as it was with My prophet of old, to whom I said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before The Lord,” so shall it be with the people of this generation! For I shall pass through, and a great and terrible wind shall tear into the mountains, and the rocks shall be broken in pieces! Behold, a great earthquake shall ensue, and fire shall break out in all the earth, and this generation shall be humbled!
Therefore, woe to those who
Do not give heed to My words
And mock this Trumpet!...
Woe to those who turn away
From My voice and shut their ears
To the quiet utterings of My spirit!...
5/27/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, the bundles are tied and set in their places, and still the people mock! And those called Christian say, “Are we not the chosen? Yes, we are the elect of God”... Woe, I say to you! Woe to you and all your arrogant houses; you have surely deceived yourselves!
Bow down therefore and humble yourselves,
Heed the call and depart from
Your filthy houses, and repent!...
Forsake all these man-made doctrines and
Perverse traditions, put away all these pagan holidays!...
Stand apart from those who persecute My messengers
And mock My promises, and I may yet receive you!"
5/23/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Beloved, I AM THE TRUTH, which was born into the world to testify! Yet you of this world will in no wise hear Me! Yes, even you who dwell in the churches of men reject Me, refusing to accept Me as I truly am! Woe to you, therefore! Woe, I say to you! Woe to all who reject My words and hold fast to the doctrines and traditions of men!"
11/28/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Churches of men, your land and nation stinks, a foul stench has come up into My nostrils! Yet there you sit upon your thrones of pride, saying, “We alone are righteous. We alone serve God and shall be sheltered in the Day of The Lord.”
WOE TO YOU, O CHURCHES OF MEN! Hypocrites! Arrogant assemblies! As you have divided yourselves, so shall I divide you in judgment! As sheep from the goats, so shall you be divided! I shall sift you and stir you up, and you shall be severely shaken, until your walls crumble and all you have built comes crashing down! Behold, no partition shall be left standing; all this enmity shall be stripped away!"
Thus Says The Lord to the United States,
And to All the Churches of Men Which Dwell Within Its Borders
9/9/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Furthermore, you pollute My name and the glory of The Holy One by this one doctrine which I despise in My zeal, the false and most perverse doctrine called hell and eternal torment,[18] as spoken of and taught in the churches of men! Yet you embrace it, yea, you grab hold of it and make it your own, upholding satan’s cause!
Woe, My people! Woe, I say to you! For those who love wrath shall surely receive of it, and those who seek torment for another shall partake of it in the Day of The Lord! Behold, even now it is yours! For My hand is removed from all who uphold this doctrine or speak against this Word. Lo, as an unarmed man overtaken suddenly by a band of thieves, left bruised and broken, so shall it be in the Day of The Lord, for all who reject this Word and heed not the sound of this Trumpet."
6/26/08 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Woe to the churches of men who seek after vain glories, and build themselves up by vanity and greed! Woe to them! For they shall be the first to be thrown down! They shall be brought down to the ground, they shall no more stand!
Look, My sons and daughters, look at all these detestable things wrought within the churches of men, and tell Me, what do you see? What do you see, beloved? What have they done to My name?!... Woe to these people of excess! Woe to all these churches of men, who pollute My name and steal from My glory! For they build great churches of brick and wood, magnificent buildings of concrete and steel, yet the poor cry at the doors!
Yes, they build great and extravagant houses,
They amplify their voices like the wind,
Yet the cause of the widow and
The fatherless goes unheard!..."
Woe to the Megachurches of Men
10/19/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord: I have stretched out My hands all day long to a stubborn people, who walk in a way that is not good; a people who do not obey My voice, nor will they incline the ear, but do always follow the counsels and dictates of their own evil hearts; a most rebellious generation who provoke Me to anger continually to My face! For they seek always a way to retain their corrupt riches, a way to hide their shame, as they uplift themselves to new heights in vanity - false glory! Yea they build great and lavish houses, setting each one upon the shifting sands of man-made religion, perverse tradition and the corrupt doctrines of men; behold, even their steeples seek to pierce Heaven!... Woe, therefore, to this adulterous people! Woe to all these women dressed in fine apparel! They are all as strangers to Me! For they worship another god, and within their churches they teach the people of another messiah, one which they themselves have created! THESE ARE NOT OF MY BODY! THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE ME!"
- Also see: "Regarding the Churches of Men"
Woe to Those Who Bear False Witness in The Lord’s Name
11/9/08 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding a false prophetess, who claims she receives the Word of The Lord)
Thus says The Lord God, yes I, YAHUWAH, The God of Israel: I DO NOT KNOW HER! Neither have I sent her, nor has she at anytime heard the Word of The Lord! Therefore this prophet, even all prophets who speak in My name, saying, “Thus says The Lord,” when I have NOT spoken it, neither did it come forth from My mouth, even these prophets shall be brought to utter ruin! Behold, all their houses shall become as the dung hill, piles of refuse, in the Day of The Lord’s Anger! For of such are all their words before Me, of such is the value I have assigned to all their lofty assertions! I AM THE LORD!
Therefore, let them never again speak in My name, saying, “Come and hear the word The Lord speaks,” when I have NOT spoken it! Let all these self-appointed prophets stay silent, let them be quiet and open not their mouths, lest I strike them down for all their false-witnessing!
Yet let the chosen trumpet MY Word loudly!
Let them shout it from the rooftops and spread
My Word abroad, by all manner of speaking and devices!...
For I Myself have sent them! Says The Lord.
Woe to Those Who Bear False Witness in The Lord’s Name,
Saying, “Hear the Word of The Lord”,
When The Lord Has Not Spoken It
7/16/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore, thus says The Lord: ALL self-appointed apostles, prophets, and preachers shall be brought to utter ruin! And lo, destruction comes swiftly, a weight which you have brought upon your own heads! For I am coming quickly in judgment, I am coming down with great recompense, and I shall surely repay! Behold, I shall strike you down, and you shall collapse where you stand; even as that which you have built up in your greed, for the sake of your own glory, falls with a great crash![19]
Shall one become a prophet by human means?! Is the voice of The Almighty something that can be claimed?! Can the gifts of My spirit be attained by human power, and am I now made subject to the wiles of men?! You have all prophesied lies before Me, you speak that which is born from the deceit of your own hearts! - A very foolish endeavor, a vain thing, a fatal error! For you have taken the things of God in hand, and twisted them, for your own gain![20]
Shall you attempt to steal from My glory, and then parade
Yourself before the people as though you were sent by God?!...
Shut your mouths and be quiet, open not your mouths
And speak no more in My name, lest I tear you
In pieces and there be none to deliver![21]
For I tell you the truth, My judgment is not idle
And your destruction does not sleep!...
Therefore fall hard upon your faces, AND REPENT,
And I may yet have mercy upon you! Says The Lord God.
For I have beheld your form, yes, I have looked upon your visage, and I have seen your fine clothes and all your luxuriously-crafted apparel, all these expensive ornaments with which you adorn yourselves. I know all your delusions of grandeur, and how you lead My people astray by false divinations, brought forth from your own corrupted hearts. Therefore your portraits shall be broken, your church buildings shall be thrown down, and your every pulpit swept away, in the day I strip you naked and leave you desolate! Says The Lord.
Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, all you who call of yourselves Christian, for thus declares The Lord: No prophet or man of God, of whom I have chosen and sent, shall by any means receive payment for his services, nor shall he accept a gift; no man shall profit from My Word! Freely he has received, freely he shall give. Nor shall he allow any form of praise or glory to be added to his account; rather, he shall correct them sharply. I AM THE LORD.
Thus all you teachers, pastors, preachers, ministers and priests, who receive tithes and welcome praise from the people, shall be held accountable; behold, it shall be required of you in the Day. Shall you take profit for that which I have offered as a free gift? Shall you raise yourselves up by false glory, and abuse My Word for selfish gain? Yes, there is indeed profit in it, according to the wealth of grace and salvation which abounds in love, granting an abundance of eternal wealth, which is life in My presence and My joy forevermore, for all those who receive My Word and also walk in it. Yet those who use My Word to profit by monetary means shall be cast out and shall remain in the valley, walking through thick darkness until death comes to claim them, says The Lord.
Therefore, let it be stated and set forth this day in the hearing of the people, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, for it shall be done and come to pass as I have spoken it, even as I proclaim it now: No man in authority, whether a self-appointed apostle, prophet, teacher, pastor, preacher, minister or priest, as they are called among men, who also forsake The Moral Law in the name of The Messiah, to make Him the author of sin, shall escape the Day of The Lord! For the saints of The Most High are those who keep My Commandments and remember My Sabbaths, and carry The Messiah within them, even unto pure testimony in His name, in word and by deed.[22]
Again, I tell you, no leader amongst the churches of men who forsakes the Sabbath, of which I Myself had sanctified from the beginning,[23] which is and has always been and shall always be the seventh day,[24] shall escape the Day of The Lord! And no leader amongst the churches who embraces all these holidays of men, which I hate, shall by any means escape the Day of The Lord! Remember My Holy Days, for in them shall you begin to know the mind of God and the glory of My salvation in Messiah. And NO leader amongst the churches of men, who teaches the doctrine of hell and eternal torment,[25] shall by any means be gathered! Neither shall any who embrace this teaching escape! For I do not know them, neither do I abide in them. And NOT ONE who comes speaking against this Word or My messengers, to stone them in word and by deed, to slander them, to spit upon them, to strike them down, or to bring even one railing accusation against them, whether it be in open or in secret, shall by any means escape the Day of The Lord’s Fury! For I tell you the truth, neither age nor gender shall deliver them. For The Lord your God is no respecter of persons;[26] I know your hearts! For as I am, says The Lord, so shall I be. And as I have always done, so shall I perform it again, even amongst this modern generation of perverse and deceitful peoples."
Thus Says The Lord to the Churches of Men,
And to All Their Self-Appointed Apostles, Prophets and Preachers
4/29/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding Self-Appointed Apostles, Prophets and Teachers)
Thus says The Lord: Is My Word in need of confirmation by those who say they know Me, yet do not really know Me? Is the Word of My mouth subject to men, whose understanding remains altogether lacking, whose knowledge is corrupt and whose power is of no use at all? Shall My words be made subject to the approval of any self-appointed apostle, prophet or teacher? Shall flesh usurp the things of God? Can mortal man ascend above the throne of The Eternal? Shall the created rule over The Creator, or the corrupt sit as judge over The Holy? Shall any attempt to occupy My throne and not be cast down?!
For I tell you the truth, ALL flesh shall be humbled in the Day of The Lord; the whole world shall be bowed down! For all creation is subject to The Word of God, every living creature is put into subjection to The Almighty! Nothing in the earth beneath, or in the heavens above, shall usurp the will of The Most High!
Therefore, I ask you, do My servants seek glory for themselves? Have they so highly esteemed themselves, as to name themselves according to the gift? Are they so skilled in knowledge and cleverness of speech, that they may now appoint themselves to a certain office, without first being called? The gift is Mine! And I bestow it upon whomever I wish, whenever I choose!
For I call My servants out from among them, I appoint every office, and I Myself number their steps before them. For My gifts are given through The Spirit, and must also be received in Me. They are in no wise open to claim, nor shall anyone on earth assign them. For only those in union with The Messiah are able to walk in them.
Thus the highly esteemed shall be abandoned,
And the self-appointed severely abased...
Left to walk through the valley in the
Great and Terrible Day of The Lord,
Until death comes to claim them...
Declares The Lord.
6/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore, I call to the prophets of every religion!...
To every prophet of the wicked one,
To every soothsayer and prognosticator,
To every scoffer and evil man
Who seek to harm My anointed,
Even to every person who plots ill will
In their hearts against My messengers...
Come forward and fight against My witnesses!
That I may cut you down and purge you
From your places, that you may be
No more before My face!...
Behold, I shall make of you a great slaughter!
Yes, come and make plans and devise your evil schemes, and come and strike at My prophets that you might do them harm! For the days of the martyred prophets are at an end; the time of recompense is here! Hurry now, come forward, that I may strike you down where you stand, that I may take your life from you in a moment, that I may litter the streets with your rotting corpses! Says The Lord God.
Thus shall the prophets of The Lord be made plain, and the prophets of the wicked one be exposed. For the false prophets shall become rotting corpses in every land, scattered across every nation!"
The Days of the Martyred Prophets Are at an End
1/29/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear (Regarding modern false prophets)
Thus says The Lord: The false prophets gather, and the deceitful teachers increase in number like a plague; a great company who pollute My holy name in one accord, to the blaspheming of The Spirit; a multitude whose every word I despise in My zeal!...
Behold the prophets Hananiah![27]
And of his reward, they are fully worthy!...
And I shall not withhold, says The Lord God.
- Also see: "Regarding Prophets (False)"; "Regarding the Churches of Men"
Woe to Those Who Curse Others in the Name of The Lord
7/24/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Indeed, there are many who have given heed to the devil’s purpose. Even now it is apparent, manifest in the world by people who hide My name under false pretense, and desecrate My name by detestable doctrine and perverse tradition, people who take the name of The Lord in vain without ceasing by all they say and do, sins far greater than those who without knowledge use My name as a cursing. Yet greater still is the sin of those who curse others in My name, endeavoring to place a curse upon another in the name of The Lord. Woe, I say to them! Woe! Even three times, woe! Says The Lord. For these are wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever, as it is written![28]"
Woe to the Nay-sayers and Mockers
8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"For as it was with My prophet of old, to whom I said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before The Lord,” so shall it be with the people of this generation! For I shall pass through, and a great and terrible wind shall tear into the mountains, and the rocks shall be broken in pieces! Behold, a great earthquake shall ensue, and fire shall break out in all the earth, and this generation shall be humbled!
Therefore, woe to those who
Do not give heed to My words
And mock this Trumpet!...
Woe to those who turn away
From My voice and shut their ears
To the quiet utterings of My spirit!...
2/9/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding scoffing family members)
Thus says The Lord: What is done is done, yet need not be. For many remain lost in confusion, hearing the Word of My mouth, yet denying the power thereof.
Therefore, woe to the nay-sayers! Woe, I say to you! For you have failed to discern; indeed, you refuse to understand. For you can not bear to hear the Truth Absolute, nor will you accept Me as I truly am. For you long for that which is malleable, embracing only that which yields to your own perverse desires and expectations. Behold, the Spirit of Truth has departed from you; My hand is removed.
Thus you remain lost in the deceptions of this world and the churches of men, leaning always upon your own preconceived notions of what you think the truth is and should be, reconciling within yourself that you know the will of God and the meaning of The Word, as you twist the Scriptures to your own shame. I do not know you! Such arrogant, high-minded children who call of themselves Christian! False servants who cease not from polluting My name and My glory, stomping upon the new faith sprouting in others, persecuting and slandering all those I send!
And so it is fulfilled: In stony places has The Word of God been sown, springing forth quickly in the hearts of those whose ears yet hear and whose eyes yet see, yet when the heat of persecution comes, oh how quickly they fall away.[29]
Therefore, woe to the nay-sayers;
Woe to all who lead My people astray!
For I am come forth to reap, to gather My own...
And to punish those who sow seeds of
Dissension and falsehood in My Garden...
Says The Lord.
The Sower Has Sown, Yet the Seeds Have Fallen
Among Thorns and Stony Places
4/24/08 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding allowing comments of scoffers or debating with mockers)
"I tell you the truth, to allow the comments of scoffers and mockers is to welcome them in. Rather let them shout their controversy before The Lord, let their outcry enter into the ears of The Lord of Hosts. For I alone shall repay, I alone shall bring forth judgment and institute the punishment. And if they choose to stand defiant until the end, beating upon their chests, shaking their fists at Heaven, I will destroy them! Says The Lord. For the Word of God is living and powerful; sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing to where the soul meets the spirit, cutting through to where the joint meets the bone, even to the marrow; a discerner of the thoughts, a judge of the innermost intentions![30]"
Let All in the Earth Be Brought
into Deep and Profound Silence
8/2/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord: Who are these who speak dark counsel without knowledge? Who are these who walk about in arrogant accord, with their foreheads wrinkled and their hearts hardened? Who are all these who speak with serpents’ tongues? I do not know them! From them My spirit is far removed! Their houses shall be devastated, for they have brought swift destruction upon their own heads!
Yes, I am The Lord who is bringing swift destruction upon the houses of the wicked, even upon every one who has come out to fight against Me! The cleverest among them shall be made the fool, and the most cunning shall be left to their own devices, and who shall deliver them?!
Therefore come out against Me,
All you mockers! Says The Lord...
For behold, this dying generation ceases not
From mocking MY Word and those sent to them!...
Come forward therefore, and secure yourselves
Among their ranks, that you may share in their reward!
Be set apart in your unjust cause, set yourselves
Hard against My will, until it consumes you!
Increase your slander and continue in your false witnessing, that I may repay you - Prepare yourselves for death! For all those who rebel against Me, and seek harm against My messengers, have made themselves meet for destruction!
For I have prepared a fire; behold, it is already kindled! Lo, within the mouths of My witnesses I have placed coals from the altar, and I shall surely increase their flame, until every scoffer is put to shame and everyone who slanders is uncovered and sent away in their nakedness! For the pride of the wicked is a hook by which they catch themselves, and their arrogance is a bridle by which they lead themselves into rebellion against The Lord!
Therefore, because you have raged against Me and your tumult has come up into My ears, I will put MY hook in your nose and MY bridle in your lips, and I will turn you back by the way which you came![31] Says The Lord.
Thus says The Lord to all those who call of themselves Christian, yet never cease from pushing out the lip against The Lord’s anointed: Your error is very grievous! Hold your tongue, lest all I have spoken concerning the scoffer and the wicked come upon you, leaving your houses utterly devastated and your sanctuaries in ruinous heaps! For it shall surely be accounted to you, in accordance with your every idle word!
And turn back from this wicked way you have chosen,
And I may yet have mercy upon you...
Says The Lord God.
4/2/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord: Nothing coming from the mouth of those who scoff and shoot out the lip against The Lord’s anointed, whether they be a friend or an enemy, a spouse or a relative, a neighbor or a stranger, a scholar or a teacher, a pastor or a self-appointed prophet or preacher, shall be accounted as true. Neither shall any weight be given to their arguments; it is wind.
Therefore, let them bring their controversies before ME, if they have no fear of God in their hearts, or let it be cast upon the dunghill. For this is the weight which their words carry in My eyes, and this is the value I have assigned to their assertions. For I am The Only Judge, says The Lord.
Thus those who endeavor to sit upon My throne shall be cast down! For any who cast judgment or condemn another have no forgiveness in their heart. They have departed from love, behold, pride has become their master, as they continue to ridicule, slander, and persecute My servants with a heart full of unbridled arrogance... They shall surely be cast down! They shall be severely abased in the Day of The Lord’s Anger, with their every word falling to the ground, their every arrogant assertion shattering at the feet of My messengers! Says The Lord God.
For I alone sit as judge, and the earth, it is My footstool;
The whole universe is subject to My every word...
For I am He who causes to be,
YAHUWAH, The Everlasting...
The One and Only True God,
He whose will is made manifest and shall be,
The Only Lord of Hosts."
I Alone Sit as Judge, Says The Lord
12/21/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord: The words of scoffers come forth from a hard and troubled heart, from a place void of understanding. Their words are like chaff, their every lofty assertion dust carried away by the wind. As a ship tossed about by rough seas, so is the plight of the ungodly; in a dark sea of confusion, they attempt to sail against every wind of doctrine which opposes them. Yet all their toil is in vain. For I am The Only Truth, I am God alone! And behold, all I have spoken is established and shall be; My Word yields to no man.
For I tell you the truth, the coming of The Lord is a terror to all who say they know Me, yet do not really know Me, a terror to all who deny Me and to all who offend. Therefore let the feet of the desolate stumble, and the ways of the ungodly return atop their own head - JUDGMENT for the rebellious! PUNISHMENT for the wicked! CALAMITY upon all nations who offend!"
As It Was in the Days of Noah,
So Shall the Coming of The Son of Man Be
- Also see: "Regarding Scoffers"
Woe to Those Who Come Against God's Messengers
11/12/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore I have called forth the watchmen, My prophets, of whom you shall know by their fruits and by their sword (the fruits of which the devil can not duplicate - imitate, yes; duplicate, no). Therefore, woe to those who do not embrace their words and ignore their correction. For it would have been better for you if you had never met them, nor heard them, and remained in ignorance. Yet you have heard them. Thus you are bound by their words, a cord which can not be cut.
Therefore woe to all those who come against them, for you have lifted up your heel against ME! Says The Lord. Indeed all who stone them in word or by deed shall not be gathered, nor shall they escape. For I shall leave them in the midst of the fire, left unto refinement in the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."
1/10/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"For indeed, many will come, saying, “Let us slay them!” Yet I warn you, though many thousands were slain in times past, and a thousand more were sent, in the Day of The Lord’s Anger it shall not be so! For strong is The Lord, and in My prophets I shall surely come to dwell, even as a flame of fire! Behold, each one shall possess the power of the trumpets of Jericho, and they shall surely give a shout![32] And woe to all who come against them!"
2/17/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, I had sent to you My apostles, that you might learn of My ways. I had sent to you My prophets, that you might hear the Word of My mouth and receive of My correction. Indeed throughout your generations, I sent to you many servants, as lambs amongst wolves, yet you persecuted and slandered them all. And still I send more, behold, even a multitude as The Father wills, yet as in all times past you will stone them in word and by deed.
Therefore, woe! Woe to the arrogant scoffer and the high-minded hypocrite! Woe to all who take the name of The Lord in vain! All your works shall come to an abrupt end, and that which you spew at My chosen shall return atop your own head! For My prophets are sent and prepare My way before Me, sounding the alarm, trumpeting My strong rebuke."
10/7/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore, it is no longer sufficient that I send only one prophet or a single witness. For the foreheads of this modern generation are as hard as adamant stone, multitudes of dead and dying people with countenances set hard against The Lord and His anointed.
Thus I shall not send just one, nor am I sending thirty or sixty, or even one hundred men to this obstinate people, but 144,000! For the sake of mercy I am sending them, and for a trumpet and alarm against the cities, the special offering who shall not suffer at the hands of men, nor be given up to the slaughter. For The Lord their God shall dwell in them and amongst them, with a portion far greater than the prophet Elijah of old.
Therefore, woe to all who refuse My messengers and shut their ears to My prophets! Woe to all the inhabitants of the earth, who walk contrary to the Way I have set before them!"
- Also see: "Regarding Scoffers"
Woe to Those Who Come Against Israel
5/23/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord: I am come out of My sanctuary, and the arm of The Lord shall be revealed! The anger of The Lord shall be made fully known, and great and mighty nations shall be brought down! And woe to those who come against My people, Jacob! Woe to all who come out to destroy Israel! You shall come to know the power of The Lord in His anger! In the strength of My hot displeasure shall you be brought down! Behold, you shall lick the dust, all your mighty men of battle strewn about, all your devices coming to rest in ruinous heaps, littering the open fields! For The Lord has spoken, and so shall it be and come to pass in the sight of all nations!"
3/19/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord God of Israel: Woe to the kingdoms of this world! Woe to the false religions of this world! The atheist shall have it far better than you, when the wrath of the great and dreadful God has come! Woe to the king of the north! Woe to the kings from the rising of the sun! Woe to the king of Persia and the people of violence! Woe to every nation and people, who say, “Come, let us put an end to Israel as a nation. Let us utterly destroy them, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more!”... BEHOLD, I AM AGAINST YOU! Says The Lord God.
Thus says The Lord, to the king of the north: Come and mount up your troops, and take flight. Call upon your agreement with those of the rising sun. Honor your covenant with the people of violence. Cast your devices and launch all your weapons of war. Come against My chosen people and the land promised to their forefathers, forever! COME! Says The Lord. Fulfill the evil desires of your wicked hearts. For you shall fall, and you shall not be found! Says The Lord of Hosts. You shall be a valley of dead and dry bones, buried in the land you came to destroy, for it shall consume you! - Food for the birds, dwelling place of the worm.
Therefore come, I say! Come, and leave your spoil and your rotting flesh! For you shall surely stumble, you shall fall, and you shall not be found! And by your falling shall the name of The Lord be glorified in every land, even unto the ends of the earth! For this is but an awakening, and many shall behold it, the mighty and awesome power of The Lord!
Behold, the earth shall be shaken, the clouds shall burst! I shall command pestilences to come upon you; they shall cleave to you and drink your blood, and you shall be driven mad. For you shall stumble, you shall fall, and you shall not be found! (Save a sixth part whose hearts I know; they shall return home and be spared.) For in your eagerness to spoil shall you become the spoil, and sustain My people seven days.
Swiftly shall I destroy this great multitude who come out to fight against Me, who seek to destroy My people, Israel! For they shall be driven to the ground by fire, by hail, and by thick darkness! FOR STRONG IS THE LORD WHO DEFENDS ISRAEL!
Behold, My countenance has changed!
My face is set hard against you, O enemies of Israel!
My arm is outstretched and ready for battle!...
Thus that which is written shall be fulfilled,
And that which is determined shall be done,
And you shall be left utterly desolate!...
Then all shall know, I AM THE LORD!"
- Also see: "Regarding Israel"
Woe to the United States
5/21/08 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord God, The God of Israel, The God of all: Woe to you, O mighty and perverse nation! For you stand united and proud, UNITED IN TRANSGRESSION! Woe to you! WOE TO YOU! Says The Lord. For your travail has come! Behold, I shall divide you and bring you very low! For I have called to you, yet you have not answered!"
Thus Says The Lord against the United States:
You Have Hastened the Day
3/5/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hear the Word of The Lord, for thus declares The Lord: Las Vegas shall receive recompense in full, even the full cup of My hot displeasure. For the slate shall be wiped clean, and they shall perish with much shouting. Behold, not even the sidewalks shall remain, when deep and profound silence covers them and the earth hides them away.
For behold, this people and this city called sin
Shall be no more before My face,
From that day onward and forever...
Says The Lord God of Power and Glory;
The Lord of Hosts is My name, The God of Israel.
Thus Says The Lord against Las Vegas
- Also see: "Regarding the United States"; "Regarding Sodom and Gomorrah Revived"
Related Topics
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- Regarding Sodom and Gomorrah Revived
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- Regarding the Holidays of Men
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- Regarding Pride
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- Regarding the Churches of Men
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- God Speaks Regarding Those Who Bear False Witness in His Name
- Regarding Scoffers
- God Speaks Regarding Those Who Bear False Witness Against His Servants
- Regarding Israel
- Regarding the United States
- Regarding the Day of The Lord
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