Regarding Spiritual Gifts
Gifts of The Spirit
A Wise and Faithful Servant
Who is a wise and faithful servant?...
Is he not one who receives the blessings
Of his Father without constraint, one who
Embraces My speech, whether soft or hard,
Even of that which I have spoken to another?...
A servant such as this is wise indeed...
For he knows that every good gift
And every perfect gift is from above,
And comes down from The Father of Lights,
With whom there is no variation or
Shadow of turning, as it is written[1]...
Says The Lord.
12/13/04 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"For indeed, there are many gifts of the Spirit which I bestow upon all those who love Me, many gifts given to those who are willing to give up everything and follow Me. Thus Timothy is just one among many who hear My voice, one voice in a great chorus growing ever louder, of the number I am sending.Yet to him did I say, “Write that which I speak, and place it in a book ”; also commanding him to share that which the Spirit causes him to understand. For the latter is that which My people call inspired of God or inspired in the Spirit; and the former, that which the prophets hear, the voice of The Living God."
"Therefore take My words to heart, and understand: Any man who shares My Word with others is My servant. And any man who hears My voice, in whose hand I have placed the Trumpet, is My prophet. Even all those I send are My apostles. And any who heed these words, and also do them, shall be called a friend of God."
3/15/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord: Little flock, how is it you say within yourselves the way of The Lord is not equal? How is it you feel as though upon this servant I have poured a bounty, yet you remain desolate?
Beloved ones, by whose power were you called forth into existence? To whose joy were you created? By whose favor were you born into this world by way of water and blood? Therefore, again I say to you, who you choose is everything. For I do not withhold My love, yet on account of your flesh you do always step backward.
Consider the woman who touched My robes and was made whole. Tell Me, how is it that she received and you do not? Was she so highly favored, that she should receive and you should not? Beloved, come close and walk beside Me, for you are indeed highly favored! And all who grab hold of Me shall surely share in all that is Mine.
Little flock, My ways are equal, yet the ways of My people remain unequal. For I have indeed poured out My life for you, yet each one must decide how deeply they drink. Do you not see? My blessings are equal for all who receive of My blessings, and My grace sufficient for all who trust in Me.
Thus among those who come to Me, one is not favored over another, nor is My love bestowed by measure. Rather it is you who receive by measure, resisting on account of all these deceitful weights, trust which remains altogether lacking.
Therefore do not confuse My love with the calling I have purposed for another, nor compare the gifts of the Spirit with The Blessing. For those I have called to serve shall indeed be given gifts, each in accordance with their faith and My will. And those who receive the greater gifts shall also bear the greater burden, even in the heat of the Day.
Therefore, again I say to you,
The Lord’s ways are indeed equal,
Yet the ways of men remain unequal...
Yet those who grab hold of their First Love
With all their heart, with all their mind,
With all their strength and with all their soul,
Shall never go hungry, nor shall they thirst anymore;
Nor shall the heat of the noonday
Sun do them any harm...
Yea, even all their tears shall be wiped away
In the house of The Lord.
Spiritual Gifts Cannot Be Claimed or Assigned
4/29/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding Self-Appointed Apostles, Prophets and Teachers)
Thus says The Lord: Is My Word in need of confirmation by those who say they know Me, yet do not really know Me? Is the Word of My mouth subject to men, whose understanding remains altogether lacking, whose knowledge is corrupt and whose power is of no use at all? Shall My words be made subject to the approval of any self-appointed apostle, prophet or teacher? Shall flesh usurp the things of God? Can mortal man ascend above the throne of The Eternal? Shall the created rule over The Creator, or the corrupt sit as judge over The Holy? Shall any attempt to occupy My throne and not be cast down?!
For I tell you the truth, ALL flesh shall be humbled in the Day of The Lord; the whole world shall be bowed down! For all creation is subject to The Word of God, every living creature is put into subjection to The Almighty! Nothing in the earth beneath, or in the heavens above, shall usurp the will of The Most High!
Therefore, I ask you, do My servants seek glory for themselves? Have they so highly esteemed themselves, as to name themselves according to the gift? Are they so skilled in knowledge and cleverness of speech, that they may now appoint themselves to a certain office, without first being called? The gift is Mine! And I bestow it upon whomever I wish, whenever I choose!
For I call My servants out from among them, I appoint every office, and I Myself number their steps before them. For My gifts are given through the Spirit, and must also be received in Me. They are in no wise open to claim, nor shall anyone on earth assign them. For only those in union with The Messiah are able to walk in them.
Thus the highly esteemed shall be abandoned,
And the self-appointed severely abased...
Left to walk through the valley in the
Great and Terrible Day of The Lord,
Until death comes to claim them...
Declares The Lord.
7/16/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Shall one become a prophet by human means?! Is the voice of The Almighty something that can be claimed?! Can the gifts of My spirit be attained by human power, and am I now made subject to the wiles of men?! You have all prophesied lies before Me, you speak that which is born from the deceit of your own hearts! - A very foolish endeavor, a vain thing, a fatal error! For you have taken the things of God in hand, and twisted them, for your own gain![2]"
Thus Says The Lord to the Churches of Men,
And to All Their Self-Appointed Apostles, Prophets and Preachers
5/25/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord: There are some among this little flock who have taken it upon themselves to speak on My behalf, striving to attain that which they do not understand. Yet they are no mouthpieces, nor have I called them to this office. Yet sons and daughters they remain.
Therefore, this is what I say to them: Draw back your hand from the page, and place your pen back on the table, remove your fingers from the keys, and make no effort to operate within the gift of prophecy. For upon you this gift is not bestowed, nor have I marked you with My signet.
Beloved ones, search the Scriptures so you may know; read My Letters, that you may understand. For the cup of The Lord is a heavy burden, a bitter cup filled with tears and sorrow. Therefore, I ask you, are you able to drink it? I tell you the truth, you are not at all able. For you do not know what you seek, nor do you understand.
For the weight of this burden is very heavy, a path heavy-laden with suffering and death, great tribulation. For as it is written: My way is not easy. And those sent to prepare My way before Me shall indeed be persecuted and slandered, hated by all nations.[3] Thus I ask you once again, are you able to drink of this cup? Are you able to bear the full weight of this burden? Beloved, it is not My will that you do so, says The Lord.
6/26/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Beloved, apart from Me, one can do nothing;
Human power is of no use at all...
A faithful, humble servant is what I require,
One who listens to My voice and gives heed
To My leading, at all times and in every season...
For only those who have ears to hear are given to teach;
Yet to the rest, it is not given...
Warning for Those Who Mistreat God's Gifts
7/16/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore, thus says The Lord: ALL self-appointed apostles, prophets, and preachers shall be brought to utter ruin! And lo, destruction comes swiftly, a weight which you have brought upon your own heads! For I am coming quickly in judgment, I am coming down with great recompense, and I shall surely repay! Behold, I shall strike you down, and you shall collapse where you stand; even as that which you have built up in your greed, for the sake of your own glory, falls with a great crash![4]
Shall one become a prophet by human means?! Is the voice of The Almighty something that can be claimed?! Can the gifts of My spirit be attained by human power, and am I now made subject to the wiles of men?! You have all prophesied lies before Me, you speak that which is born from the deceit of your own hearts! - A very foolish endeavor, a vain thing, a fatal error! For you have taken the things of God in hand, and twisted them, for your own gain![5]
Shall you attempt to steal from My glory, and then parade
Yourself before the people as though you were sent by God?!...
Shut your mouths and be quiet, open not your mouths
And speak no more in My name, lest I tear you
In pieces and there be none to deliver![6]
For I tell you the truth, My judgment is not idle
And your destruction does not sleep!...
Therefore fall hard upon your faces, AND REPENT,
And I may yet have mercy upon you! Says The Lord God."
Thus Says The Lord to the Churches of Men,
And to All Their Self-Appointed Apostles, Prophets and Preachers
8/20/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord against every church of men, against all those who falsely call of themselves by My name: I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against Me; they have altogether forsaken Me for their own way!... Foolish and disobedient children!
They refuse to listen, for by their own hearts are they led. Yes, they follow the dictates of their own hearts, and give heed to their own self-serving desires; to their own voices they give heed. They listen only to the sound of their own voices!... Therefore, all I have spoken against them shall surely come upon them.
My children are foolish and have
Gone astray, with no one to lead them!...
They have released their grasp
And hold fast to one another;
They are married to their own expectations!
They know not how to discern
Their right hand from their left...
Therefore, all I have spoken against them
Shall surely come upon them."
"Behold, they walk in the valley
Of their own choosing, and have rejected
That which I, Myself, had provided for them!...
And one who mistreats My gifts shall
By no means retain them...
And that which is given shall not be owned,
As though one had received it by their own power;
Rather it is to be cherished, with thanksgiving...
And one who takes and corrupts My gifts,
For their own gain, shall be left desolate."
11/12/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore thus says The Lord, to all those who call of themselves Christian: Do you really know Me? Have you truly received of Me? And if you have received of Me, how is it you do not abide in Me? Where is the fruit of My spirit, which you say lives in you? I tell you the truth, I have not seen it! And of My gifts, what have you done with them? My lost sheep, where have you laid them? They lie next to your faith, which has also been misplaced."
"Vain Babblings"
6/19/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Behold, the day is coming and is already here, when this world shall be judged; yes, it has come and is yet coming. Yet there are those among you, of whom I love, who say they love Me yet do not obey My voice, nor will they listen. For they do adhere closely to the doctrines and traditions of men, even to all their holidays which are perverse in My sight, mixing that which is holy with the profane, as a harlot perverting her way among many lovers.
So then behold the Day, where all those who come to Me in truth, being fully converted in their hearts, who also obey My voice and keep The Commandments, shall be taken; behold, they shall surely be gone from this place! Yet to the rest, though they have called on My name (the name by which I am known among them), with raised hands and many supplications, even unto vain babblings, they shall surely be left. For I have looked upon them, I have peered deep within, and I know they are not truly converted in their hearts; neither will they harken to My voice, nor will they give heed to My Commandments. For they do always dishonor Me, as they pervert My name among the people by all they say and do."
Salvation Is Given and Must Be Received;
Once Received, Forever Shall It Belong to the Redeemed
"Slain in The Spirit"
11/19/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
11/19/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding a video which showed children being “slain in the spirit” at a church assembly)
"Thus says The Lord: How long must I speak to that which is obvious, little flock? Must My servant be drawn away continually to feed you, as though you were yet babes? How is it you still question, though within your heart the truth of the matter is made known by the Spirit, which cries, “False!”? When will you open your eyes and see? When will you lay yourselves down and hear? When will you empty yourselves, that you may truly discern?
Therefore because your eyes are slow in seeing and your ears dull of hearing, your mind congested with the many deceits of this world, this is what The Lord your God says: WOE TO THOSE WHO LEAD MY LAMBS ASTRAY! WOE, I SAY TO THEM! Woe to all who feed lies to the little ones and cause them to sin! For as it is written: It would be better for them if a millstone were hung around their neck, and they were drowned in the depths of the sea, than to suffer My wrath over these little ones![7]
Therefore woe to those who uphold perverse and bitter doctrine; your discipline shall be most severe! Woe to those who pollute My name, in word and by deed; for you have brought shame upon your own heads, and disgrace to all your houses which you call by My name! Woe to all who take advantage of the ignorant and pollute the minds of the innocent! WOE TO ALL WHO HARM MY LITTLE ONES! For I shall stretch out My hand against you; indeed, a double portion of wrath is reserved for you!"
Romans 12:4-8
"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Messiah, and individually members one of another.
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness."
- Prophecy
1/10/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"And what is a prophet? Is he not a man, My servant, whom I have chosen and called? And when does My servant become a prophet, and what is the length of time he remains as such? Lo, he is only a prophet in that self-same moment in which I speak to him and cause him to hear, prophesying only as long as I cause him to speak or to write My words. I AM THE LORD.
For there is no prophecy apart from My will, and without My voice there can be no prophesying. And without My spirit, no man may hear, nor shall he behold a vision, nor is he able to understand. Apart from The Holy One, there is no knowledge; only vanities and lies, false glory, evil divinations... Seek therefore true knowledge, and you shall also receive understanding! Get wisdom and heal these blinded eyes, unstop the deafness which plagues your ears!
Here is wisdom: If I send a message, even two of the same, each to separate houses by way of two different messengers, then what is that to you? Indeed, what are the messengers to The Message? Am I not The Sender?
Have I not the power to speak through whomever I choose, and send whomever I choose? Or would you have sin prevent Me?! Lo, shall I speak through donkeys instead, for they have no sin? Shall I send the birds of the air to be My messengers, for they have no sin? Shall the sins of men prevent Me in anywise?! Shall My voice be stopped by any means?!... Behold, by the mouth of Caiaphas I did speak and declare My will and the means by which you would be saved, though he had the greater sin![8] For I am The Lord; I DO NOT CHANGE![9] My words declare My glory, My message reveals My majesty and the power of My strength! STOP STARING AT MY MESSENGERS! Look past them and see with greater eyes!"
2/11/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the gift of prophecy)
It is written: There is no prophecy apart from My will, and without My voice there can be no prophesying. And without My spirit, no man may hear, nor shall he behold a vision, nor is he able to understand. Thus he is only a prophet in that self-same moment in which I speak to him and cause him to hear, prophesying only as long as I cause him to speak or to write My words. I AM THE LORD.[10]
Beloved ones, all My sheep hear My voice. Yet each receives in proportion to their faith and in accordance with My will and purpose. For a willing, humble heart is open to Me, and one who is deeply in love with Me will hear My voice. Yet this is not equal, nor shall every servant hear My voice in the same way.
For a prophet hears My voice, while another is moved deep within, while still others may only discern My leading, and this also is according to My will and purpose. Yet do not be at all surprised by this. For the Scriptures testify to the same, and I will surely do according to the counsel of My own will. And that which I do has a perfect work within the hearts of My beloved, coming to fruition in those who remain in My love, those meet for The Master’s use.
Hear and understand: I have spoken to My prophets throughout the generations (for I change not), and each was given that which was required to accomplish My will among the people.
Therefore rejoice, My sons and daughters!
For The Most High has come down to you;
And behold, I have caused My servants to hear,
To receive wisdom by the power of My own spirit...
Lo, by the Word of My mouth shall
My beloved be blessed, the prideful humbled
And the haughty abased...
For the Word of The Lord never returns void...
Says The Lord.
Yet understand this also: That which I commanded be written in a book was named according to the one who received it, so all may know to whom I have spoken, lest any lay claim to My words as though they were their own, polluting them, bringing upon themselves quick judgment and great recompense. And so it is to this day; I speak to whomever I choose, and it is noted that this is the one to whom I have spoken - Let not another lay claim!
Beloved ones, human power is of no use at all. You are but vessels for My glory. And when one departs from this wisdom and falls away, My Word also grows quiet as My hand is removed. And I shall surely humble them, according to the length of time I dictate as needful. Yet if one turns and does not cease from fighting against Me, the very same shall have their name stricken from My Book. I AM THE LORD.
2/19/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For the Sons of Promise, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord to His servants: To every prophet who went before was there a time of service, a time of great works done in the Spirit, according to My will. And thus shall it be for you also, if you remain faithful. For I have prepared the number, men of My choosing, a special offering who shall be set apart.[11] Behold, I have drawn you out, separating you from amongst those who remain married to this world, even as I have done with every prophet and man of God who went before you, each at their appointed time, each in their due season."
- Also see: "Regarding Prophets (True)"
- Service
Glad Service
A right heart brings forth glad service,
And a joyful giver reaps what he sows;
Life in abundance shall be his reward...
Yet the heart of the wicked seeks his own way;
And he too shall reap according
To that which he has sown,
Welcoming death when it comes.
Serving Others in Love
Beloved, by serving others in love,
Putting their needs before your own...
By sacrificing yourself,
Your desires, your wants, your will,
Your body, even your very life...
Will you learn what it truly means
To wash each other’s feet...
Says The Lord.
Serving Others in Love
12/1/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Beloved, I stretched out My hands for you; I bore the weight of your sins, I carried your burdens! Therefore is My grace sufficient for you. Yet you must choose to stand up and walk in Me, relying on My strength in your times of weakness, by which My strength and your trust is made perfect.
Have I not said, “In obedience is your love made perfect,” and, “Who you choose, not what you choose, is the answer”? And when you have chosen Me, is it not also your reasonable service to walk in Me?"
6/10/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding unbelieving family members)
"My sons and daughters, what is trust with abandonment? What is obedience without expectation? Is not your reasonable service love without condition? Yet I tell you the truth, trust is more than letting go. For it remains standing that it must also be shown in your obedience and by your example, and by your willingness to never deny My name, no matter the time or the season."
6/19/08 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord to His servants: Have I not called to each one of you, saying, “Serve Me”? Yet you hesitate. Behold, I have spoken to you on many occasions, even placing it upon your hearts, yet you procrastinate, sitting upon your hands, saying within yourselves, “Tomorrow I will serve God; later I will pick up the trumpet.” Thus you are no watchmen. Yet for this reason, I have called you out.
Know you not, that one in league with My watchman has by association become the same? Therefore I spoke to you, saying, “Beloved, come and walk with Me this far.” Yet you answered, “How far?!” I have said, “Do this.” Yet what have you done? How is it you stand up, yet begrudgingly? Where is your joy in service? Where is the sound of My name put forth in power, with steadfast belief and unwavering trust?
Beloved, serve Me as I have loved you,
And do so rejoicing as you go,
For I am with you...
And I shall surely provide all you need,
Even as I have done from the beginning[12]...
Says The Lord.
2/5/08 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For His Brothers In Christ and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"My sons, I have sent Timothy on this wise: He is as one born out of due time, whom I have called into service by My own voice, for My own purpose, whereby his faith would come to grow vigorously from The Vine, according to that same end for which I have appointed him and shall surely be fulfilled, says The Lord."
5/14/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, I have set before you a stone of stumbling, over which many shall fall. I have called you into service, according to your faith. Indeed I have given you much, therefore much shall I require; and only a very few shall remain."
A Trying of Your Trust, a Testing of Your Resolve...
Your Faith Revealed
2/19/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For the Sons of Promise, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord to His servants: To every prophet who went before was there a time of service, a time of great works done in the Spirit, according to My will. And thus shall it be for you also, if you remain faithful."
10/28/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, During Men’s Fellowship
For The Lord’s Watchmen, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Consider the squirrel and its ways. Does it not live among the trees, running up and down with ease, leaping from branch to branch with skill and grace, perfectly designed for its abode and purpose? So shall My watchmen be in the Day of The Lord; prepared according to their task, established according to the Word of My mouth, filled according to their service, remade according to My purpose. I AM THE LORD."
- Teaching
6/26/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord to His servant: My son, the teacher who has received of Me teaches not only by speaking, but by listening and by example, walking in My ways. And when those with sincere hearts come inquiring of Me, then shall those who I have called to teach do so, according to how I Myself lead them.
And to the rest of My disciples, I say this: If you have grown wise in the Word by the reading, and have also received the love of the Truth, you also may help the sincere seeker by sharing that which is written in the Scriptures and Volumes of Truth, according to how My spirit leads you. For I am The Only Master, having never ceased from being your Teacher, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of this age.
Beloved, apart from Me, one can do nothing;
Human power is of no use at all...
A faithful, humble servant is what I require,
One who listens to My voice and gives heed
To My leading, at all times and in every season...
For only those who have ears to hear are given to teach;
Yet to the rest, it is not given...
- Exhortation
Examples of exhortation and exaltation in The Volumes of Truth:
- "The Origin of Life"
- "Humble Yourselves in the Sight of The King"
- "Fear God, and Put All Your Trust in The Holy One"
- "Crowning Glory"
- "Walking in The Word"
- "Wonderful"
- "Eternal Fire"
- "The Reward"
- "Trust in The Holy One"
- "Beyond Question"
- "The Justice of God"
- "Just"
- "God Is Sovereign"
- "The King Eternal"
- "Open Your Eyes to The Truth"
- "The Word of The Lord"
- Charity
Comfort the sick, lift up the downtrodden, and visit those in prison; clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and above all feed the hungry; do so in My name. For in Me shall all find comfort, exaltation, companionship, warm coverings and sanctuary from the storm; even food and drink for their soul shall they receive in Me. For all these things are the very definition and purpose of love.
Thus as I am, so also were you created...
Understand Love...
For in My love were you created,
To receive and to give;
And in the giving does one also receive...
Therefore, love one another
As I have loved you...
Says The Lord your Redeemer.
Walking Together in The Father’s Joy
Blessed is the man who gives out of the abundance of his heart. For one such as this gives, knowing in his heart that all he has is Mine and all I have is his, given and received according to the knowledge of My will for those who believe. For this man knows what it is to be My servant. He is bound by nothing, a man who walks free in all the earth, blessing the name of The Lord his God with enduring trust.
Therefore those who give out of obligation know not the joy of The Lord, nor of the freedom which comes by service, helping others in My name.
Yet the servant whose heart leaps with joy
At the thought of washing the feet of the poor,
Who also eagerly seeks out the afflicted,
To give them comfort, knows that whatsoever
They do for another they have also done for Me...
For these know Me, and I live in them...
And together we shall walk,
Choosing the good and refusing the evil,
Until we walk together anew in My kingdom...
Says The Lord.
Walking Together in The Father’s Joy
Glad Service
A right heart brings forth glad service,
And a joyful giver reaps what he sows;
Life in abundance shall be his reward...
Yet the heart of the wicked seeks his own way;
And he too shall reap according
To that which he has sown,
Welcoming death when it comes.
One Body
This is the way of The Lord...
That one in need in My body
Be supported by their brothers and sisters,
With all members becoming one...
One body, in Me...
That he who is able to walk in Me
Dwell alongside those who are weak,
For they are in need of strengthening...
Lo, you shall all wash each other’s feet!...
Even as I do likewise
Through you and amongst you,
To the praise of My glory...
Says The Lord YahuShua.
Serving Others in Love
Beloved, by serving others in love,
Putting their needs before your own...
By sacrificing yourself,
Your desires, your wants, your will,
Your body, even your very life...
Will you learn what it truly means
To wash each other’s feet...
Says The Lord.
Serving Others in Love
Idle Hands
Idle hands lack bread,
And an idle heart lacks trust;
Their backs are bent down always,
Their countenances fallen,
Their eyelids have grown very heavy...
Yet love strengthens the spirit,
And washing another’s feet
Is good for the soul,
Renewing the whole of the body...
Says The Lord.
3/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord: Blessed is that servant of Mine who seeks out the poor, whose heart is eager to help the needy, for they know My ways and seek to please Me. Blessed also is My servant who gives out of the abundance they have received, for they walk in My ways. Yet most blessed is My servant who gives from their lack, for they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God; indeed, they have understood.
Yet woe to those who ignore the poor and draw back their hand from the needy, while they sit at ease in their abundance. For destitution is coming, and shall be born out of great desolation, in the day I take away their abundance and leave their houses desolate. Woe also to those who say they are My servants, yet refuse to help those in need, for only tears and sorrow await them. And woe to those who fail to give even the smallest amount, claiming they are in lack, for they have no trust, having learned nothing from the poor widow.[13]
Little flock, have you learned nothing from My Word? Have you so quickly forgotten My Letters, in where I have taught you the way in which you should walk? Indeed, who you choose defines what you do, as I have already told you.[14] And who are the poor and the needy? How have you treated them, while entreating Me? Do not lie to yourselves, beloved ones. Every one of you who sit at this table want for nothing. Shall you mince words over a dollar, while others sit upon the ground seeking to draw water from a pit? Shall you covet five dollars or even ten as you drive about in your automobiles, while your brothers and sisters abroad willingly walk miles to preach My Word, with joy, even to their dying breath?
And still some of you sit at ease in your padded chairs, punching the keys, saying within yourselves, “I am delivered.” You are not delivered! From the power of sin, yes, My children, I have delivered you, yet some of you remain married to this world. And those who remain married to another, even to themselves, can by no means be joined unto Me, lest adultery be brought into the house of The Lord."
10/7/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
"So then, My beloved servants, share your gifts: Lift up the poor and help the needy, give drink to the thirsty and feed the hungry, share My love and wash each other’s feet. Yet no longer be a friend of this world,[15] and no more walk in the ways of the churches of men, for they have not known Me."
"Beloved, I delight in that which one gives to
Another in My name, and by the works of their
Own hands and feet in all righteousness;
This is the tithe in which I delight most...
Says The Lord YahuShua."
- Also see: "Regarding Tithing"
- Also see: "God Speaks Regarding Those Who Forsake the Poor and the Needy"
- Leadership
8/13/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Set Your House in Order
"Now concerning the correction and discipline of the younger brothers and sisters in your household, here is wisdom: A daughter can have only one father, and the father’s friend is to share in the father’s concern, because he is a friend and also a brother. Yet the father is the head of his daughter, and the friend is only to lend an ear. And one who shares his household with others shall lead by example, remembering that the host is also a servant, even to every guest, no matter the length of their stay."
6/28/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord's Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Beloved ones, to abide in the doctrine of The Messiah is not mere proclamation or belief. To abide in His doctrine is to LIVE by His words, a shining example of righteousness, striving always to make your love perfect through obedience, that those close to you, even to the passerby, may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.[16] For it is written: One does not live on bread and water alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.[17]
So then do not just give voice and preach,
But ABIDE in the doctrine of The Messiah...
By example shall you lead them...
Says The Lord."
4/17/08 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Love your enemies, bless those who curse you,
Do good to those who hate you, and pray for those
Who spitefully use you and persecute you,
That you may truly be a son of your
Father in Heaven, as it is written...
My son, lead by example, with quiet boldness
And steadfast trust, and they will begin to see...
Says The Lord."
- Mercy
3/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord: Blessed is that servant of Mine who seeks out the poor, whose heart is eager to help the needy, for they know My ways and seek to please Me. Blessed also is My servant who gives out of the abundance they have received, for they walk in My ways. Yet most blessed is My servant who gives from their lack, for they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God; indeed, they have understood."
2/8/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding a brother in Christ who fell away)
"Therefore hear and understand, beloved: The moment pride enters a man, the moment he stands in front of Me, to look elsewhere, is the same moment My hand is removed. For I have shown you, My servants, what is good and that which I require: That you should do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.[18] Yet how can one behold My face while looking elsewhere, seeking glory for themselves? And how can one who has stepped in front of Me walk in My footsteps? Beloved, how shall one who runs away from Me, to tread another path, take My hand?"
- Also see: "Mercy" in The Volumes of Truth
- Also see: "Charity"
11/9/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus I have spoken, and who is able to restrain themselves from repeating My every word? Who will not prophesy, when the voice of The Almighty has entered his ear? For I tell you plainly, the day is coming and is already here, when I shall speak into the air and the voice of YAHUWAH shall thunder, reaching even to the ends of the earth.
Yet I ask you, how does a prophet hear and by what means is he revealed? Remember My words: If there be a prophet among you, I, The Lord, shall make Myself known to him in a vision; I shall speak to him in a dream; even plainly I shall speak with him, not in mysterious sayings. For he has seen the form of The Lord and has sat in My presence, and knows that which is beyond words, and before him men shall fear.[19]"
2/11/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the gift of prophecy)
It is written: There is no prophecy apart from My will, and without My voice there can be no prophesying. And without My spirit, no man may hear, nor shall he behold a vision, nor is he able to understand. Thus he is only a prophet in that self-same moment in which I speak to him and cause him to hear, prophesying only as long as I cause him to speak or to write My words. I AM THE LORD.[20]"
- Also see: Regarding Prophets (True)
- Also see: Visions
Related Topics
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- Regarding The Holy Spirit
- Regarding Faith
- Regarding Healing
- God Speaks Regarding Those Who Bear False Witness in His Name
- God Speaks Regarding Those Who Take His Name in Vain
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